This glossary contains just some the more unusual terms used when describing the positions of GM.
Acanthus: a stylised representation of a plant with thick scalloped leaves.
Apse: semicircular recess
Architrave: moulding frame round a door or window.
Archivolt: ornamental moulding following the curve on the underside of an arch.
Cornice: a moulded projection surmounting building, arch or wall.
Crossing: space often vaulted between the intersection of nave, chancel and transept in larger churches.
Cusp: decorated point in which two curved shapes intersect such as an arch.
Escutcheon: sheld shaped motif used for decoration.
Façade: elevation.
Frieze: a horizontal band filling the space between the cornice and architrave.
Jamb: side of window, doorway or other form of opening.
Kittimukhas: grotesque Hindu demon.
Label: small stylised scroll
Label stop: carved decoration at the termination of a label.
Leonine: lion like.
Moulding: decorative surface on an arch, panel capital etc.
Piscina: a stone basin in which clergy rinsed the chalice etc after Mass.
Plinth: projecting base of a wall or column.
Reredos: A decorated timber or stone screen usually supporting a shelf
Roundel: circular moulding
Sedilia: stone seat usually built with the wall of a presbytery.
Spandrel: triangular surface area between two adjacent arches or ribs
String course: continuous projecting horizontal moulding on a wall surface..
Tracery: intersecting rib-work on upper part of window.
Voussoirs: a block of stone used in construction on an arch.
Woodwose: mythical wild man.
A full glossary of terms can be found in Stephen Friar’s excellent book published in 1996 ‘The Companion to the English Parish Church’.